2014 Congrès et exposition de l'Association des transports du CanadaTAC/ATC

Exposés par titre



Accelerated Intersection Improvements Enhance Safety

Acquisition de données océanographiques aux Îles-de-la-Madeleine our l'analyse de solutions de protection de la route 199, secteurs de la baie de Plaisance et de Pointe-aux-Loups

Adopting Network Level Preventative Maintenance in Saskatchewan

Akamina Parkway Reconstruction and Hazard Mitigation

Alberta Transportation's Early Experience Using an IRI Based Smoothness Specification

The AMT Velostation

An Exploration of the Past, Present, and Future of British Columbia's Highways

Application of Dynamic Traffic Assignment (DTA) Model to Evaluate Network Traffic Impact During Bridge Closure - A Case Study in Edmonton, Alberta

Asphalt Pavement Friction Analysis: A CPATT Test Track Case Study

Axe du Pont Champlain du passé vers l'avenir!


Bilan environnemental et l'état des connaissances des produits de marquage routier au ministère des Transports du Québec

Bow River Bridge near Gleichen, AB, After the Flood

Building Rapid Transit in Mississauga


Cable Impregnation for Post-Tension Grouting Problems

Calgary's Airport Trail Tunnel - A Project Management Success Story

Calgary's City Centre Cycle Track Network: Creating Quality Transportation Choices Through Bike Infrastructure

Calgary Transit: Overcoming the Last Mile

Calibrage des modèles du Highway Safety Manual pour le Québec

Calibration of the Highway Safety Manuel Models for Québec

Campagne de prévention et de sensibilisation pour la sécurité en véhicules hors route au Nunavik (Québec)

The Carbon Footprint of Freight Traffic and Pavement Treatments for Interprovincial Trade Flows of Atlantic Canada

Case Studies in Integrating Transportation, Land Use and Health Objectives in Road Design

City of Calgary's Pavement Management System - Performance Indices Comparison

Climate Change Modeling and the Weather-Related Road Accidents

Comparative Analysis of Pavement Rehabilitation Designs Using AASHTOWare Pavement ME, AASHTO 1993 and Surace Deflection Methods

Comparing 10 Year Performance of Cold In-Place Recycling (CIR) with Emulsion versus CIR with Expanded Asphalt on Highway 7, Perth, Ontario

Comparison of Network Level Recommendation and Projec t Level Rehabilitation Treatment for Pavement

Consideration of a Diverging Diamond Interchange in Saskatchewan

Construire des ponts centenaires : intégrer la durabilité à la conception structurale

A Cost-Effective Maintenance Treatment for Improving Airfield Pavement Friction


Data Requirements for a Province-wide Travel Demand Model

Design-Build of a Major Transportation Project in York Region

Design of the New NY (Tappan Zee) Bridge Calbe-Stayed Main Span

Design Vehicles: From Turning Templates to Smart Systems

Development of a Decision Support Tool for Arterial Roads Rehabilitation in Hamilton

Development of a Screening Tool for Roundabout Feasibility in Winnipeg

Development of an ASCE Standard for Permeable Interlocking Concrete Pavement

Development of the Canadian Design, Construction and Maintenance Guide for the Use of Pervious Concrete Pavement

Development Practices for Municipal Pavement Management Systems Application

Disruption, Congestion and Mitigation: Characterisation of Strategic Road Infrastructure Using Partial Itinerary Data

Dynamic Tolling of HOT Lanes Through Simulation of Expected Traffic Conditions


Effect of Plowing and Sanding on Friction & Stopping Distance during Braking

Effect of Utility Cuts on Serviceability of avement Assets - A Case Study from The City of Calgary

The Effects of RAP on the Mechanical Properties of Asphalt Mixes and Binder, and on the Predicted Pavement Performance

Étude de la variation des glaces de rive au Nunavik en fonction des chagements climatiques

Evaluating the Manoeuvrability of Theretical Tractor-Trailer Combinations and Extended Trailer Configurations on Winnipeg Truck Routes

Evaluating the Potential for Hot Mix Asphalt Rutting Performance Using Laboratory and Digital Imaging

Evaluation of Asphalt Binder Characteristics of Typical Ontario Superpave CRFM and RAP-HMA Mixtures

Évaluation du climat de vagues du golfe du Saint-Laurent à l'aide d'un modèle de vagues paramétrique

Evaluation of Quiet Asphalt Pavement Test Sections in Ontario

Evaluation of Recycled Concrete Aggregate for Usage in Highway and Municipal Concrete Applications

Evaluation of Speed Management Strategies: A Before and After Study

Evaluation of the Use of Green Pavement Technologies in the Region of Waterloo, Ontario

Evolution of an Innovative Fish Ladder Design to Address Issues of Perched Culverts

Evolution of Interchange Design in North America

The Evolution of Urban Roadway Design Approaches

An Experimental Design Based Evaluation of Sensitivities of Mechanistic-Empirical Pavement Design Guide (MEPDG) Predictions for Ontarios Local Calibration

Exposition des infrastructures routières de l'EST du Québec à l'érosion et à la submersion côtière dans un contexte de changements climatiques

Extending the Life of the Angus L. Macdonald Suspension Bridge


Field Investigation of the Effect of Operational Speed and Lateral Wheel Wander on Flesible Pavement Mechanistic Responses

Finite Element Analysis of Structural Steel Impact Damage and Heat Straightening

Freeway Interchange Planning: A Public Involvement Success Story


Geometric Design Guide in Canada - The First 100 Years

Growth Plan to Half a Million! Growing Forward! Shaping Saskatoon

Guiding Principles for Development Digital and Projected Advertising Display Regulations

Guidelines for Creating Safe and Efficienct Freight-Supportive Communities


High Albedo Surfaces for Thermal Stabilisation of Road Embankment Built on Permafrost

Highway 40 South of Kananaskis Lakes - Epicentre of the Storm

The Highway 63 / Highway 686 Parsons Interchange Challenges in Addressing the Demands of a Changing Economic and Political Environment

Human Factors Assessment of Distraction, Workload, and Traffic Safety in Relation to Bus Operator Workload During Manual Stop Announcements

Human Factors Evaluation of New Pictograph-Based Messages for Bilingual Variable Message Signs


Identifying and Overcoming Barriers to the Implementation of Active Transportation Policies

Impact of Cold Joint Construction on Pavement Functional and Structural Performance

Impact du couvert de glace sur le régime de vagues du Saint-Laurent

Innover dans la collecte de données transport pour des données actuelles et de meilleur qualité

Integrated Roadway Asset Management

Integrated Trip-fare Calculator - A Sought-after Feature in a Transit Agency Website

Integration of Alternative Highway Drainage Pipe Selection and Asset Management

Integrating Non-destructive Testing into the Infrastructure Inspection Process

Investigation of Thermal Behaviour and Structural Capacity of Bottom Ash as an Insulation Layer

Is the Current Level of Service of the Highway Network Financially Sustainable?

Issues and Challenges of "Complete Streets" Implementation on a Bridge Structure and Its Approaches


King Road / CN Rail Grade Separation


La laboratoire hydraulique environnemental de Québec (LHE) de la Chaire de recherche en ingénierie côtière et fluviale de l'INRS

Laboratory Characterization of Saskatoon Tire Derived Aggregate (TDA)

Laboratory Performance of Asphalt Emulsion Treated Base for Cold Regions Applications

La marche vers la mobilité intelligente : Quelques perspectives sur les planificateurs de trajets

Le défi de l'innovative et la gestion des eaux pluviales en milieu artériel

LEGO Videos for Educating Road Users About Bicycle Infrastructure

L'entretien hivernal des routes : concillier protection de l'environnement et sécurité routière

Les défis du réaménagement du boulevard Saint-Laurent entre les rues Bellechasse et Bernard pour intégrer un lien cyclable manquant

Lessons Learned by Canadian Practitioners in Intepreting and Applying Pavement ME Design Results

Lessons Learned: Terry Fox Drive Wildlife Guide System Intended to Reduce Road Kills and Aid the Conservation of Blanding's Turtle

Lessons Learned from Adopting the Highway Safety Manual to Assess the Safety Performance of Alternative Urban Complete Streets Designs

Leveraging System Intelligence from Massive Smart Card Database to Support Operational and Strategic Objectives of a Transit Agency

Looking Out for You: City of Torontos Deployment Plan for Arterial Traffic Cameras

Long Term Drainage Performance of Pervious Concrete Pavements

Long-term Urban Road Restrictions During Special Events


Manitoba Capital Region Transportation Master Plan

Maturity Testing and Accelerated Concrete for Bridge Deck Rapid Replacement

Mechanistic Design Sensitivity Analysis for City of Saskatoon Pavement Structure Design

Mechanistic-Empirical Evaluation of the Impact of Spring Load Restrictions

Meeting Canada's New Grade Crossing Regulations

Meeting the Industry Challenges Associated with Utilizing Reclaimed Asphalt Shingles (RAS) in Asphalt Concrete - An Agency Perspective

Meeting the Needs of the Alberta il Sands Industry - The Expansion of the Shell Albian Sands Aerodrome

Mesures mises en place pour améliorer la sécurité des travailleurs et des usagers de la route sur les sites de travaux routiers

Mix Specific Rutting Model Calibration in Colorado

Modélisation des glaces dans l'estuaire et le golfe du Saint-Laurent dans la perspective des changements climatiques

Modélisation des vagues du golfe et de l'estuiare du Saint-Laurent dans un contexte de changements climatiques

Module complexe des enrobés et module réversible des matériaux granulaires pour le dimensionnement mécaniste-empirique des chaussées au Québec

Monitoring the Structural Behaviour Variation of a Flexible Pavement Structure During Freeze and Thaw

Moving (More) People Safely: Examining the Safety Impacts of HOV Lanes


Nadahini Creek Geosynthetic Reinforced Soil Integrated Bridge System

Nanotechnology Applied in the Design of the Next Generation of Concrete Pavements Surface

New Brunswick Department of Transportation and Infrastructures's Strategic Multi-Criteria Analysis Model for Capital Infrastructure Investments

1994-2014: Bilan de la construction et du comportement des chaussées en béton à Transports Québec


One Bridge to Span 100 Years: Integrating Durability and Structural Design

Optimization de la conception de chaussées portuaires par une approche de traitement par stabilisation et solidification : Cas du réaménagement du secteur Viau au Port de Montréal

Optimizing Haul Road Design - A Challenge for Resource Development in Northern Canada

Outil d'aide à l'exploration des changements dans les comportements de mobilité des montréalais

Overview of Specifications for Unbound Granular Base Materials in Selected Canadian Provinces and Neighbouring States


Past-Present-Future of the Trans-Canada Highway in BC from Kamloops to the Alberta Border

Pavement Evaluation to Detect Potential Voids Under the Surface After the Historic Flood of June 2013 in the City of Calgary

Pedestrian Safety at Crosswalks - Examining Driver Yielding Bahaviour at Crosswalks with GM1 and OF Systems

A Performance-Based Pavement Management System for the Road Network of Montreal City - A Conceptual Framework

Performance Evaluation and Error Segregation of Video-Collected Traffic Speed Data

Performance Guidelines for Buried Aluminum Structural Plate Structures

Performance Measures for Inter-Agency Comparison of Road Networks Safety

Permeable Pavement Design and Construction Case Studies in North America

Permeable Pavements for Roadway Shoulders

Plan directeur des transports de la région de la capitale manitobaine

Pratiques, réflexions et résultats en matière de sécurité routière dans les zones de travaux routiers au Québec

Predicting the Durability of Warm Mix Asphalt

Projet Bonaventure : Une grande initiative Montréalaise


Quality Metrics for Recycled Concrete Aggregates in Municipal Roads


Radar-Activated LED Stop Sign in a Rural Setting Pilot Project in Saskatchewan

Rapid Orthotropic Deck Replacement for Alberta Three-Span Bridge Rehabilitation

Reconduire et aller cherche quelqu'un : de petits déplacements anodins à incidences multiples

Reconstruction of Wyndham Street - City of Guelph

Reducing Wildlife Collisions: What is Working in the Northwest?

Regional Sustainable Transportation Master Plan

Rehabilitation Works for Pinawa Bridge Over Winnipeg River

Reliability-Based Asset Preservation for Neptune Terminal

Reliability-based Life Cycle Design of Resilient Highway Bridges

Reliability Sensitivity of Pavement ME Design

Rétablissement de la connectivité des populations de poissons dans le contexte d'un chantier routier, Tingwick, Québec

Reviewing Potential One-Way Street Conversions in Established Neighbourhoods

Road Safety Benefits of British Columbias High Risk Corridor Program

Road Safety in Saint-Laurent: Putting Citizens First!

The Rocky Mountain Legacy Trail - Redefining Intercommunity Connections

Role of Pavement Management Dat in the Implementation of AASHTO's Pavement ME Design Methodology

Rotated-Ellipse Arch Pedestrian Bridge for the Calgary West Light Rail Transit Extension Project

Roundabouts on Alberta Highways

Rutting Behaviour of Typical Ontario RAP-MHA Mixtures


Safe System Intersection Application for the Edmonton Capital Region - Pilot Project

Safety Applications of Cyclist GPS Trip Data in Montreal

"Safety Edge" for Improved Road Safety and Pavement Performance

Safety Performance Functions to Assess the Safety Risk of Urban Residential Collector Roads

Saskatchewan Work Zone Enhancements

2nd Concession Widening and Infrastructure Servicing Project

Shared Spaces in Canada: An Evaluation of Their Applicability Using Focus-groups

Simulation-Based Performance Evaluation of the Road Network in the Aftermath of Earthquake: A Case Study of Montreal Island

South Fraser Perimeter Road : Approaches to Creating Land-use Compatibility

So You're Considering as Red Light Camera Program? Lessons and Insights from Over a Decade of Camera Operation in South and Central Ontario

SRB Pie IX - Les impacts du concept retunu sur la sécurité routière

State-of-the-Art Bridge Deck Condition Evaluation and Management Using Ground Oenetrating Radar

A State-of-the-Art Review of Pervious Concrete Test Methods

Steering the Cycling Revolution

Step Forward: Hamilton Pedestrian Mobility Plan

Subsurface Utility Engineering (SUE): Avoiding 4 Potential Pitfalls to Ensure a Successful Program

Successful Implementation of Warm Mix Asphalt in Ontario

Supporting Highway Infrastructure Through the Use of Green Steepened Slopes as an Environmentally sustainable Method of Construction on the Canadian Landscape

Sustainability Metrics of Two Pavement Rating Systems Developed in Canada

SWiTab for Project Management - Tablet-based Project Management Tool for Information Deployment to Multiple Stakeholders

Synthesis of Roundabout Implementation Practices


Terry Fox Drive, March Road to Kanata Avenue

13 Hours to Replace a Superstructure

Toronto Winter Maintenance Program Review

The Trans-Canada Highway - A Major Link in Canada's Transportation System

Transportation Education Provides a Fountain and a Legacy for Advanced Asset Management

Transportation Master Plan 2013

Transportation in the Oil Sands - Past, Present and Future

Traversée de la rue - Attentes des piétons à Montréal

Two Projects - Different Eras; Different Tools; Similar Results


Understanding Reliability and Equity for Bus Route Service Planning

Understanding the Past and Preparing for the Future: A Look at the City of Hamilton's Road Condition/Performance

A Unique Pavement Rehabilitation Treatment for 6th Avenue SE Calgary - Concrete Overlay

Updating of the Airport Develoment Reference Manual, New 10th Edition, March 2014

Updating the Saskatchewan Passing Lane Design Guide for Planning and Prioritization Purposes

The Use of Engineered Soils in Canada

Use of EPS as a Lightweight Fill Material on the Port Mann / Highway 1 Improvement Project,
Vancouver to Langley, BC

Use of Rights of Way on Low Volume Ropds for Agriculture

Use of Structural Dome Formwork Systems in Sustainable Transportation Applications

Using Cloud-Computing to Promote Asset Management Best Practices - A Ministry of Tranksportation Ontario Case Study


Veloce II - An Active Transportation Strategy for the Province of Quebec

Véloce II – Une stratégie pour le transport actif au Québec

Vers une prise en compte des changements climatiques dans la gestion de l'érosion côtière aux Îles-de-la-Madeleine

VIVANEXT - Highway 7 East (H3) BRT Dedicated Lanes


What Do I Have and Where Is It Located? Quantifying Ontario's Municipal Lane Kilometres

Work Zone Traffic Operation and Capacity


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